How I Prep for Tarot Readings

So, you’ve seen me give tarot readings; you’ve seen me share card meanings; and you’ve seen me basically rave about Tarot & all the witchy things for a while now.

Maybe you’re interested in learning Tarot yourself, maybe you plan on getting a reading one day, or maybe you just want to know how I do it! So I wanted to share how I prep for readings, whether they’re for myself or others, and what it all means.

First I need to explain to you a little about my personal beliefs so the next part can make sense. Without getting too in depth, I believe in Spirit Guides and communicate with them daily. They give me signs, signals, and are always with me through my life to protect & guide me. I also believe that there is a God and a Goddess, so when I pray I talk to both. I grew up Catholic but have some Wiccan beliefs, and a mix of other things I’ve learned from different cultures, so I don’t really say I have a “religion.” I’m just spiritual; and honestly I’m not here to tell you what’s right or wrong — I just wanted to explain that a little bit so you have some context!

So, when I sit down at my altar and decide to do a reading, I first grab my sage. I burn sage over my altar and my cards, asking for my Spirit Guides to join me in my reading and protect & bless the cards. I ask that they only be used for the highest good and for my Guides to guide me in the reading. (Pssst, check out my blog about sage here.)

After I’ve saged, I put myself in a space mentally where I am aware of my intuition and tuning into my higher self. It’s like turning the knob on the radio — the channel is always there, but sometimes you’re just not listening.

Then the fun stuff happens! If I’m reading for myself, it’s a little more simple because I’ll just ask whatever I need to. But if I’m reading for someone else, whether it’s an in-person or online reading, that’s where I have to tune in a little more. I can explain it as pulling in that persons energy to the cards — I’ll focus on them in my minds eye so I know that the cards are speaking for them and not me. It’s a little complicated to explain, but remember that radio station metaphor? Well I’m tuned into my station, but they’re the host that day.

Once the reading is finished and I’ve had my answers, I sage the cards again to release any energy. I’ll shuffle them up, put them away, thank my Spirit Guides and release them from the space. Then I just go about my magical little day a wiser and more in-tune person. :)

Overall, reading the cards is really just about pulling in energy and allowing your intuition to guide you. I personally believe that anyone can learn Tarot, but I will say it takes a certain level of intuition and belief in yourself to really get you far. I started by just buying a deck and practice, practice, practice! I felt something unlock inside myself and was obsessed with learning the deck front to back. It didn’t take me long to understand how to shuffle, create spreads, or the right way to ask questions, but I wouldn’t say I’m an expert either! There are still times where I get confused, but it all goes back to believing in yourself. The cards are my tool, and I look to them for a number of things, but in reality I don’t always need them.

I’m a deeply intuitive person, and my “abilities” (for lack of a better word) are inside of me, not the cards. A lot of times I’ll be able to read people’s energies, or on some occasions even connect to passed loved ones, without cards. But I will say that practicing Tarot has unlocked that side of me, and if I hadn’t gotten into reading, I’m not sure if I ever would’ve trusted my intuition the way I do now.

If you have any questions or want more detail on anything I said, feel free to leave a comment! You can always message me privately, too. (DM @thegypsyblues on Instagram!)

Now I encourage you to go find a bit of magic today, whether it’s in yourself, or around you!


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