Crazy Crystal Lady

Confession: I am a crazy crystal lady. Yup, I said it!

Someone asked me recently how crystals work and why I use them. I thought it would make an awesome blog topic, so I wanted to share some of my knowledge with you! Whether you’re a crystal addict like myself, or a newbie on this subject, I hope this helps you learn more about crystals and all of their magic!

First off, crystals have been around for billions of years. Way before humans! They are formed by atoms, uniting over just a few days or up to thousands of years. Crystals are what I like to call the “Earth’s Stars” — instead of resting in the sky, they were formed beautifully here on Earth for us to discover.

You may have heard me say before that I keep crystals in my bra — and it’s not a joke! You may be thinking I’m strange or wondering why the heck I would do that, but let me explain!

Crystals of all kinds vibrate on their own frequency — just like us! Each crystal can interact with your body’s energy & chakras. They are most often used for healing; physically, emotionally, and spiritually! There are also crystals that can help protect you & your energy. The trick is finding the one you need & connect with! I like to keep my crystals on me when I need an extra boost, whether it’s in jewelry or tucked away in my clothes.

Another great place to put crystals is above your door frames, next to your bed, on your altar, and really anywhere you think you need them! I have my home crystal gridded, so I’ve got them all around! You can learn more about crystal gridding on my Instagram post, here.

Below I’ll list a few crystals for different ailments/uses, but if there is something else you are struggling with, a quick Google search can help you find what you need! I referred to my favorite crystal book, Crystals for Beginners by Karen Frazier, that you can find on amazon!

P.S: These are not the only stones with these abilities, but it’s just the ones I’ve chosen to share.

Anxiety Relief: Amber, Sodalite, Amethyst

Happiness & Grounding: Smoky Quartz, Citrine

Love: Rose Quartz, Pink Tourmaline

Balance: Rainbow Fluorite, Turquoise, Clear Quartz

Protection: Black Onyx, Black Tourmaline

The anxiety relief stones are great to place next to your bed, especially if you have trouble sleeping at night. I use the love stones (particularly Rose Quartz) on my tub during baths to add a little self-love! Protection stones are perfect to go above your front & back doorframes, & the Balance and Grounding stones can go just about anywhere!

I hope you learned something new from this blog! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments or message me! :)


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