The Moon: More than a Planet

I’ve always been such a “look at the moon” type of person. Even before my practice in Witchcraft, I could feel the pure power and beauty that radiates from the moon. To some, it may be just another planet, but for me it’s so much more.

If you’ve been following me for a while you’ve probably seen my Full Moon Rituals, or at least heard me talk about them. So by now you could be wondering why I celebrate Full Moons, how I harness their energy, or how I even keep up with the ever-changing cycles. Well, get comfy and read on!


The moon, in all of it’s phases, has so much energy — energy that you can use to your advantage! Even if you don’t practice the Craft or related subjects, there are tons of ways to harness energy from the moon to help you in any situation. For example, the New Moon phase is perfect for new beginnings, cleansing, and intention-setting. So if you have some goals in mind, I’d suggest writing out an action-plan for them during a New Moon to add a little magical boost!

Other than actively working on something during a moon phase, even just sitting outside under a bright, moonlit night gives you that sense of…”ahhh". If you’ve been stressed, a lot on your plate, can’t shut your brain down…then sit quietly under the moon (phones away!) and pull in the energy to recharge.


The moon is like a giant battery in the sky! So aside from the simpler examples I gave above, you can do so much more. You can set your crystals and other spiritual tools out under a Full Moon to charge and cleanse them. I even make MoonWater during the Full Moon to use in baths or drink in my tea. All you need to do is pour water in a cup (one with a lid is preferred) and put it either outside under moonlight or in a window that the moonlight reaches! This is the same way you can place your crystals and other tools. I also like to cleanse myself and my space, especially during a Full Moon. You can view the previous blog on how to use sage.

Keeping Up

When I first started my journey and practice with the moon, I found it difficult to keep up with all of the cycles. Life can get so hectic that sometimes we forget all about the moon phases until we look up! So here’s a few quick tips on keeping up with our big, beautiful friend.

Personally, I chose one phase to focus on and remember when first starting out — can you guess it? Yup, the Full Moon! At the beginning of each month, I ask my dear pal Google for the month’s moon cycle, and I write it in my planner. You can put the date in your phone, set an alarm, whatever you need to do to remember! It’s just easier to choose one phase at the very beginning so you have a better chance of remembering.

Now that I pretty much always know when the Full Moons are, I’ve started focusing on the New Moon because I love the energy it brings. Especially in spell work, knowing the phases of the moon and their meanings can be super helpful if you want an extra boost to your spell.

So just gradually work your way up to learning them all and remembering when they’ll come! I actually drew each phase with their meanings and other associations, and that’s helped a lot.


I challenge you all to do something super simple — next time there is a bright, beautiful moonlit night, no matter the phase — sit under it for a while and take in it’s energy. How do you feel? What was your experience? I’m sure it will be nothing short of magical!

If you have any other questions, feel free to comment on this post or shoot me a message on Instagram @thegypsyblues.

Also, if you’d like to see a blog post on my personal Full Moon Ritual…let me know!

Thank you all for reading and following along!

xo, The Gypsy Blues

Here’s a little peek into my Journal where I keep all my notes/spells/etc! This page & the next are all the Moon Phases.

Here’s a little peek into my Journal where I keep all my notes/spells/etc! This page & the next are all the Moon Phases.


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