Easy tips for Everyday Magic

The foundation of The Gypsy Blues (and my life, really) is everyday magic. Finding those simple, lowkey ways to bring magic & light into your life! I create this for y’all through my products, but there are so many things you can do to incorporate magic into your life.

Here are some of my personal favorite ways to invite in the light, the magic, & the positive vibes!

Get thoseChakras aligned!

Chakras is a whole blog post on its own, honestly. But in short, your chakras are what keep your mind, body, and spirit in line! When one chakra is blocked, you’ll see the effects in your everyday life. For example, if you’re feeling anxious and unstable, you may need to do some root chakra work to get grounded & feel secure.
An easy way to get aligned is a quick meditation everyday. I personally try to meditate every morning for at least 10 minutes! It always helps clear my mind & my spirit, getting me ready for the day and tuning into my intuition. I like to search on YouTube for “10 minute chakra meditation” videos and find one I enjoy. Super easy!
You can also find me playing meditation music daily. Sometimes I play it on the way to work, while I’m doing my makeup, or even in the shower! This is another easy youtube search, and they even have specific chakra music. I’ve been playing root chakra music while getting ready for the day to help me stay grounded.

Cleanse the Energy!

If this isn’t your first time in one of my blogs, then you know I’m all about energy cleansing. I’m always burning some kind of herb or incense to clear & raise the vibration!
This is another super easy way to clear out any stagnant, negative, or just yucky energies surrounding you. You can use any herb bundle or incense that you prefer, but if you’re looking for a place to start, some of my favorites are:

Sage for cleansing

Palo Santo for cleansing & releasing anxious energies

Frankincense for peace & grounding

I have a blog on how to use sage, and you can use incense in a similar way. You can also use moon water spray to cleanse any lingering energies, especially in places that you aren’t able to burn herbs or incense.
I personally sage cleanse my house every Sunday, and throughout the week when needed!

Protect your Energy & Spirit

If you do a Google search, you’ll find sooo many suggestions on how to protect yourself spiritually! I like spells just as much as the next witch, but daily, I like to keep it simple.
Crystals are an amazing tool in protecting & raising your energy! I have a blog post on this in more detail if you’re interested. My favorite crystals to carry daily are

Black tourmaline for protection

Pink opal for cleansing my aura

Amethyst helps with anxiety & opens intuition

Tree agate for grounding

There are millions (literally) of other options, too!

Another way to protect your energy is to practice shielding. This is when you visualize an orb (of any color you choose) glowing around you, shielding you from negative energies. If you do this in the morning, you can remember it throughout the day and visualize your shield when needed. I practice this after meditation when I’m in the zone!

Journaling & Card Pulls

I’m going to sound like your middle school therapist when I say this, but you need to journal out your feelings. Honestly, it helps! And not just your feelings, but reflecting on each day and what it has brought you.
If you own tarot cards or any divination tool, this is also a great way to keep track of your messages. I pull a card every morning, write down my prediction for how that will play into my day, and at night I reflect back to see what I have learned or experienced.

If you aren’t into divination, you can also keep track of your intuitive messages in a journal. When you feel like you’re getting signs from the Universe / your Guides, keep track of them. Did you see a cardinal this morning? Write it down. Did you have some serious dejavu? Write it down. Anything & everything has meaning!

Be Open to the Universe

Last but not least, the best way to invite magic into your life — be open to it! Everyday, try to find something amazing. Even if your day sucked, there is magic that surrounds you. The more open you are to positive energy, magic, signs from above, etc., the more those things will become a part of your life.

I ask my Guides for protection & guidance everyday, and I always feel them with me. The more I’ve built up the magic in my life, the more I see & experience! Invite in the good, release the negative. Shed what doesn’t serve your energy or your inner magic!

I hope you got something new to try out of this blog and incorporate it into your everyday life! I’m always here if you have questions or need some guidance on how to get started. Message me on Instagram @thegypsyblues !


The Gypsy Blues


Empaths 101


Self Care (with a Magical Twist!)