Self-Love Spell

With Valentine’s Day approaching, we might be focusing on our partners (or the lack of) more than ourselves. Love is an amazing thing, but self love is the true key. You can’t love someone else until you love yourself, and this spell can help you on your journey!

I created this spell about a month ago and wanted to give some time before I shared it with you guys. I wanted to make sure it worked the way I wanted it to and was easy enough for even a beginner to do.

This part is important: you do not have to be a witch/Wiccan/practicing magick to do this spell. All you need is positive intention.

In my opinion and from what I’ve learned through experience, spells are all about intention. You can get every single step right but if you have any sliver of doubt, that spell probably won’t work, or at least not in the way you want it to.

So this spell that I created is very simple in terms of steps and tools, because I want anyone who needs a little self-love help to be able to do it. All I need you to do is believe, not only in this spell, but in yourself.

Below is the spell, what you’ll need, and how to do it! I’ll share what I’ve been experiencing in the few weeks after casting this spell at the end of the blog.

Self Love Spell

What you’ll need:

  • a candle (pink or white, any scent)

  • a rose quartz crystal

  • a piece of paper and pen

  • positive intention

How To

On your sheet of paper, write down what you want to work on with self-love. Maybe you want to feel confident, good enough, believe in yourself more, or accept all parts of yourself. Sign your name at the bottom and fold the paper inward, towards you.

You may want to place your candle on a plate, coaster, or something that won’t get too hot as it burns. Then, place your letter under the plate (or if you couldn’t find anything heat-resistant, just place your letter next to the candle). If you have it, place your rose quartz crystal next to the candle and letter.

Before lighting your candle, set an intention. Think about what you wrote in your letter, and ask your deity (God, Goddess, Universe, your preference) to guide you on your healing and self-love journey.

Light your candle as you think about this. Allow it to burn for as long as you’d like. You can burn this candle anytime you want, and especially when you need a little boost. Be sure that you are the only person in control of this candle.

Once your candle is burned through, keep the rose quartz with you as a reminder of your goal (in your bra, pocket, purse, somewhere special, etc). You can put your letter in a safe place, or burn it under a full moon.

Remember that self-love is a journey and will not happen overnight. Be open to signs and opportunities the Universe gives you to help you through this. This spell is meant to give you that magical boost and invite experiences in that can help you along your journey.

My Experience

After completing my spell, things did not happen instantly — which is totally normal and okay! But after a week or two I started noticing that opportunities for growth were coming into my life and as I overcame obstacles, I impressed myself! These experiences I had made me see a strong, beautiful side of myself that had probably always been there but I wasn’t willing to see or feel. The specific things I asked for help with in my letter were approaching me in different ways and it allowed me to dive deeper into myself and my self-love.

Of course there are ups and downs, as there is no perfect answer to anything — not even magic can solve all problems! But this is a spell that you can use whenever you feel like you need some help or guidance for self-love, self-esteem, or empowerment issues.

I hope you all enjoy this spell as much as I have, and remember the most important key to magic is something that you already hold within yourself — belief!

xo, The Gypsy Blues


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